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1 Flying Resources

Sl-hfh-cover.png The SL Helicopter Flying Handbook is full of useful information on flying helicopters equipped with the Shergood Flight System. This manual includes fundamentals of helicopter aerodynamics, helicopter systems, basic and advanced flight maneuvers, and navigation in SL.

2 Aircraft

Md500d.jpg S2s-promo.png S58 001.png S61-pelican.png
MD-500D Steamly S2-S H-34 (S-58) Choctaw S-61R Pelican

H160-square.png Chinook.png Ec135-vip.png S64-instrument-panel.png
H-160 Chinook CH-47 EC-135 S-64

H92.png S92.png E280c.png Uh4.png
H-92 S-92 Enstrom 280C UH-4 Commuter
B305.jpg New b2b-sqr.jpg
Brantly 305 Brantly B2-B

3 Aircraft Feature Comparison

Aircraft SA-FE Ver. Instruments Onboard Weather Hooks Hoist Rappel Autopilot Nav. Floats
Steamly S2-S 1.4 gauges n/a n/a n/a GPS n/a
H-34 (S-58) Choctaw 1.4.1 gauges swap 2.0 Green-check-32.png Green-check-32.png Green-check-32.png limited VOR n/a
S-61R Pelican 1.4 gauges full 2.0 Green-check-32.png Green-check-32.png Green-check-32.png integrated FMS+GPS+VOR Green-check-32.png
H-160-UTL 1.3.5 glass swap 1.0 integrated FMS+GPS emergency
H-160-VIP 1.3.5 glass swap 1.0 integrated FMS+GPS emergency
H-160-EMS 1.3.5 glass swap 1.0 Green-check-32.png Green-check-32.png integrated FMS+GPS emergency
Chinook CH-47 1.3 gauges full 1.0 Green-check-32.png Green-check-32.png integrated FMS+GPS* Green-check-32.png
EC-135-EMS 1.3 glass n/a 1.0 add-on stand-alone GPS add-on
EC-135-VIP 1.3 glass n/a 1.0 stand-alone GPS add-on
EC-135-POL 1.3 glass n/a 1.0 Green-check-32.png stand-alone GPS add-on
S-64 1.3 gauges n/a n/a (cargo hoist) stand-alone GPS n/a
H-92 1.3 glass full n/a Green-check-32.png stand-alone GPS emergency
S-92 1.3 glass full n/a stand-alone GPS emergency
Enstrom 280C 1.2 gauges n/a n/a n/a GPS n/a
UH-4 Commuter 1.2 gauges n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Brantly 305 1.1 gauges n/a n/a n/a GPS n/a
Brantly B2-B 1.4 gauges n/a 1.0 n/a GPS Green-check-32.png

4 Equipment

KeliWagon Web.png Square sock.png Backpack-deicer-sqr.png Deicing-truck.png
KeliWagon Airport Windsock Backpack Deicer Deicing Truck

PaintWizard Square.jpg Kellyfuel-square.jpg Cargo-hook-kit-small.jpg Helitank-bottom.png
Paint Wizard Kelly Fuel Cargo Hook Kit Helitank for S-64 Aircrane

Logbook-thumb.png Alarm-thumb.jpg Floatindex-thumb.png Gps-screen-thumb.jpg
Pilot Logbook ELT Alarm Box EC-135 Emergency Float Kit Advanced Transponder and GPS HUD

Kimbi-thumb.jpg Transponder-thumb.jpg Modkit-thumb.png Radar-thumb.jpg
Kimbi Bucket Basic Transponder HUD Tail Number Modkit Airport Radar
Rdfhud-thumb.png Winch-thumb.png Kellbucket thumb.png
Radio Direction Finder HUD EC-135 Rescue Winch Kit KellBucket

5 Painters


6 Bug Reports

Submit Bug Reports Here

6.1 Bug report guidelines


  • Reports must be complete and detailed, vague reports, such as "____ isn't working" will not be accepted.
  • Issues resulting from operation outside prescribed aircraft limits, negligence, or poor judgement by the pilot are not bugs and should not be reported.
  • Modifications are done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Issues resulting from the modification of a product with anything other than an official Shergood addon are the responsibility of the creator of said modifications.
  • Bugs should be reproducible with a fresh, unmodified copy of the product in question.
  • Bugs should be reproducible on multiple different sims to rule out the possibility of SL region problems being the cause.

7 Practical Test Standards

Private Helicopter PTS
Commercial Helicopter PTS
ATP Helicopter PTS
Flight Instructor Helicopter PTS