Kimibi Bucket for CH-47
Kimibi Bucket for CH-47 |
The Kimbi Bucket is designed as a modkit specifically for the Shergood Aviation Chinook CH-47. The Kimbi Bucket system is comprised of the bucket and cables for suspending it; a hook on the belly of the aircraft; an internal control panel; and a hud version of the control panel. Chat commands can also be used to control the bucket.
Features include:
- 2600 gallon capacity with HD Fire compatability
- Fillable with system water, or from SA dip tank
- Configurable number of drops (up to 4)
- Configurable flow rate
- Confiurable max fill level
- Water weight affects helicopter handling
- Configurable foam concentration
- 110 gallon foam bladder compatable with SA foam totes.
- Control through internal control panel, chat commands or HUD
- Linked system ensures bucket can be used in or flown through no-entry parcels
- "On ground" mode for bucket for servicing and during pick-up/set-down procedures
- Animated cable during bucket pick-up