SL Helicopter Flying Handbook/Advanced Flight Maneuvers

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SECTION 9. Advanced Flight Maneuvers

1 Reconnaissance Procedures

Reconnaissance procedures are used to gather more information about an unfamiliar site, particularly an off-airport site, before attempting a landing.

1.1 High Reconnaissance

The goal of high reconnaissance is to gather information about a site including wind direction and speed, identify a suitable touchdown site, identify a suitable approach path and suitable abort paths, and identify any obstacles in the area that might present a hazard. The pilot should also consider potential emergency landing spots in the event of an engine failure during the approach.

High reconnaissance should be conducted at high enough altitude to have a good view of the planned landing area, as well as be able to make an emergency landing in the event of an emergency. Fly a circular path around the planned landing area that is at about a 45 degree angle from the helicopter (see SECTION 8. Basic Flight Maneuvers - Turns_Around_a_Point). Evaluate the landing area during the maneuver, but do not become so focused on the landing area that you lose situational awareness on the aircraft.

1.2 Low Reconnaissance

A low reconnaissance is performed on the approach to the landing area. Continue to evaluate the suitability of the area, and look for anything you may have missed during the high reconnaissance. If the pilot determines that the area is safe, the approach can be continued to landing. However, any decision to abort should be made before the helicopter goes below ETL.

If a decision to land has been made, terminate the approach in a hover. Carefully evaluate the suitability of the surface as you set down, and keep the helicopter at full operating RPM until sure that the surface is secure. Once the pilot is sure that the helicopter is stable, a normal shutdown can be conducted.

1.3 Ground Reconnaissance

Prior to departing an unfamiliar location, the pilot should carefully analyze the surrounding area. Identify the best departure path, and make note of any hazards in the area. Consider the direction and speed of the wind, any obstacles, the weight and expected takeoff performance of the aircraft and any obstacles. Also consider the surface area and any nearby hazards that may come into contact with the tail rotor during pick up.

2 Maximum Performance Takeoffs

A maximum performance takeoff is a takeoff at a steeper than normal angle so as to be able to clear nearby obstacles. It can be used when departing from a small confined area. While in some cases a vertical takeoff may be necessary, it should be avoided when possible so as to reduce the risk due to a potential engine failure during the maneuver.

Before attempting the technique, reposition the helicopter in a hover to the most downwind area to maximize the available takeoff path. Bring the helicopter and note the available power by checking difference between the power required the hover, and the maximum available power as indicated by the red line on the manifold pressure gauge (for piston helicopters), or torque gauge (for turbine helicopters). Orient the helicopter in the direction of departure, and set back down before beginning the takeoff.

Use the following procedure for the takeoff:

  1. Begin by pulling collective to get the helicopter light on the skids. Neutralize any drift or rotation with cyclic and pedals.
  2. Smoothly continue to pull collective, and pitch forward with cyclic for a 40-knot attitude.
  3. Continue to raise collective until the maximum available power is reached (red line on the manifold pressure or torque gauge).
  4. Use cyclic as necessary to control the flight path, while monitoring rotor RPM to ensure that it does not drop.
  5. Once the obstacle has been cleared (or at 50 feet, when conducting the maneuver as a training exercise), reduce collective and resume a normal climb.

If it becomes clear that the helicopter will not clear the obstacle, abort the procedure, and land back at the starting location.

Common Errors

  1. Failure to consider aircraft performance capabilities
  2. Nose too low on pickup resulting in forward speed too quickly
  3. Failure to maintain rotor RPM
  4. Abrupt control movements
  5. Failure to resume normal climb after clearing the obstacle

3 Rapid Deceleration or Quick-Stop

4 Steep Approaches

A steep approach can be used when landing is to a confined area. Follow the same procedure as for a normal landing, but slow to 30 mph and maintain that speed through the descent.

5 Shallow Approach and Run-on Landings


6 Slope Landings


7 Confined Area Operations

8 Pinnacle and Ridgeline Operations