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Line 76: Line 76:
|help ||Get command summary NC
|Toggle master
|cycen ||Center the cyclic
|Toggle generator
|cv ||Toggle camera view
|Toggle fuel pump
|cv2 ||Overhead camera view
|Toggle governor
|fc ||Toggle fine control (smaller movement per key press)
|Toggle beacon
|mlt ||Toggle "mouse look touch"
|Toggle nav lights
|hc ||Hoist control mode (aft pilot only)
|Toggle taxi light
|qstart ||Do a quick start (skip full start procedure)
|Toggle landing light
|qstop ||Do a quick shutdown (skip full shutdown procedure)
|Toggle instrument lights
|hud ||Get copy of hud
|Set magnetos to off/right/left/both
|poh ||Get copy of POH (Pilot Operating Handbook)
|Set mixture where <n> is one or two digit number
|rb ||Toggle rotor break
|Set rotor break where <n> is one or two digit number
|rb0/rb1 ||Set rotor break off (rb0) or on (rb1)
|Set throttle where <n> is one or two digit number
|g/gu/gd ||Landing gear (toggle/up/down)
|Toggle camera view
|ec1+ ||Advance engine control #1 forward
|Do a quick start (skip full start procedure)
|ec1- ||Pull engine control #1 back
|Do a quick shutdown (skip full shutdown procedure)
|ec2+ ||Advance engine control #2 forward
|Get copy of hud
|ec2- ||Pull engine control #2 back
|Get copy of POH (Pilot Operating Handbook)
|ec1/p ||Move engine conrol #1 to position p where p is s for SHUT OFF, i for GROUND IDLE, or f for FULL OPEN
|Toggle fine control
|ec2/p ||Move engine conrol #2 to position p where p is s for SHUT OFF, i for GROUND IDLE, or f for FULL OPEN
|s ''switch-name'' ||Toggle the switch named "switch-name" (see list of switches below)
|s1 ''switch-name'' ||Turn on the switch named "switch-name"
|s0 ''switch-name'' ||Turn off the switch named "switch-name"
|sx ''switch-name'' ||Move switch to middle position for three position switches.
|ap ''cmd'' ||Autopilot command (see AUTOPILOT section below)

Revision as of 12:54, 2 August 2021



When you rez your aircraft for the first time, it will attempt to contact registration server and assign you a unique N-number. If for some reason the server cannot be contacted, the aircraft will retain the "N-TEMP" registration. You can attempt to register again either by rerezing the aircraft, or by going to the @REGISTER menu and selecting the [Register Now] button. When an aircraft has not been registered, the @REGISTER will be available on the main menu. Once the aircraft is registered, you can access the @REGISTER menu as a sub-menu of the @Admin menu. You can also request a different N-number through the @REGISTER menu. Select the [N Number] button and enter an N-Number request. The N-number must be in a valid format, and must not be assigned to another aircraft. Valid N-Numbers must begin with an "N", followed by 3 to 5 alpha-numeric digits (however, only the last two digits may be letters). Alternatively you can select one of the international registration formats L-LLLL or LL-LLL where the "L" are letters. Your distribution also comes with a registration certificate. You can use this to fetch and display your registration information, but its use is optional and not required to assign or change N-numbers for your aircraft.


This aircraft supports two separate control schemes. Control scheme 1 features a traditional layout with the cyclic controlled by the arrow keys, whereas control scheme 2 features a "two handed" layout with either both hands on the keyboard, or left hand on keyboard and right hand on the mouse. Regardless of the scheme selected, controls can also be moved through the HUD by pressing and holding the left mouse button and dragging the appropriate slider in the HUD. In both control schemes, some key commands are activated through gestures included in a box as part of the product carton. Key commands requiring a gesture are marked with a [G] in the key command lists below.


Keyboard control features a traditional layout with the cyclic controlled by the arrow keys.

Key Description
Left/Right/Up/Down (or A/D/W/S) Cyclic (Left/Right/Forward.Back)
PgUp/PgDown (or E/C) Collective (Up/Down)
R/V Throttle (Up/Down) [G]
L. Mouse + Left/Right (or A/D) Pedals (left/right)*
Shift-Left/Shift-Right Alternate pedal control (not available in mouselook)
Z/X Alternate pedal keys (left/right) [G]
. Center cyclic [G]
p Toggle camera view [G]
q Toggle fine control [G]
  • NOTE ON PEDALS: Because the left mouse button is intercepted by the touch scripts in the heli, the L.Mouse + Arrow key combination will only work in mouselook, or in external view modes. There is also a "mouselook touch" mode that is toggled by the "mlt" chat command. This toggles whether mouse clicks while in mouselook affect switches and buttons in the cockpit, or are used for pedals.


Key Description
Up/Down (or W/S) Collective (Up/Down)
Left/Right (or E/C) Anti-Torque Pedals
J/L/I/K Cyclic left/right/forward/back [G]
. Center cyclic [G]
p Toggle camera view [G]
q Toggle fine control [G]


Command Description
help Get command summary NC
cycen Center the cyclic
cv Toggle camera view
cv2 Overhead camera view
fc Toggle fine control (smaller movement per key press)
mlt Toggle "mouse look touch"
hc Hoist control mode (aft pilot only)
qstart Do a quick start (skip full start procedure)
qstop Do a quick shutdown (skip full shutdown procedure)
hud Get copy of hud
poh Get copy of POH (Pilot Operating Handbook)
rb Toggle rotor break
rb0/rb1 Set rotor break off (rb0) or on (rb1)
g/gu/gd Landing gear (toggle/up/down)
ec1+ Advance engine control #1 forward
ec1- Pull engine control #1 back
ec2+ Advance engine control #2 forward
ec2- Pull engine control #2 back
ec1/p Move engine conrol #1 to position p where p is s for SHUT OFF, i for GROUND IDLE, or f for FULL OPEN
ec2/p Move engine conrol #2 to position p where p is s for SHUT OFF, i for GROUND IDLE, or f for FULL OPEN
s switch-name Toggle the switch named "switch-name" (see list of switches below)
s1 switch-name Turn on the switch named "switch-name"
s0 switch-name Turn off the switch named "switch-name"
sx switch-name Move switch to middle position for three position switches.
ap cmd Autopilot command (see AUTOPILOT section below)


The default camera position is inside the cockpit with a view through the front glass. It is also possible to switch to an outside "follow cam" view. Wear the "cameraViews" gestures and use the "p" key to toggle views. In addition, it is possible to fly in mouselook when using one of the keyboard based flight control methods.


The "fc" chat command or "q" gesture command toggle fine control for key commands. While fine control is active, key commands will have half the effect the do in regular mode. This can be useful when higher precision is need such as for making an accurate landing on a small platform.